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Shincheonji Online Bible Seminar: Revelation Chapter 13

 [Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant]  
Revelation Chapter 13 

☑The events of Revelation 13 preceding the events of Revelation 12 

Revelation Chapter 13 : shows that receiving the devil's mark results in hell 

Revelation Chapter 14 : about receiving the seal of God and Jesus results to go to heaven 

Key content 

1) The beast with seven heads and ten horns (:1~10) 

2) The beast that comes out of the earth (:11~18)

What is the beast with seven heads and ten horns? 

The one who says "I" is John. Why did he show the beast in parables? Because no one should know the secrets of this book of Revelation (Mt 13:11). Jesus came and testified the words of the open book at the time of the book of Revelation (Rev 5). In Chapter 10, the open book was shown to John and fed. Also in Rev 22:8 and 16, John was commanded to testify to the churches of the events he has seen and heard. 

The beast that comes out of sea refers to the false pastor from the world (Mt 24:15). At the time of the end, only when the reality of Revelation appears, can it be understood. 

Figurative head is a pastor representing the church. Figurative horn is an authority figure, (i.e) elder. (Rev 17:9~10, 12) 

What is the beast who is given the throne and authority by the dragon? Satan has given authority to the beast like false pastors. Being with evil spirit by receiving a throne. 

What is a fatal wound that one of the heads had 

The wound of the heart caused by the struggle for authority. The wound was healed and it means the wound of the heart was resolved. 

The beast exercised his authority for 42 months. In Revelation 11:2, it is said the beast that is the gentiles will trample for 42 months. The beast was given authority to preach and rule for 42 months. 

Where the war takes place and what the consequences are?

The location of the events is heaven. We usually think heaven as a physical sky, however in Genesis chapter 37:9~11 Jacob's family is the sun, moon and stars. Therefore, the heaven where the sun,  moon and stars can be called Israel. In other words, heaven is referring to God's tabernacle. The tabernacle temple is a proof that God has fulfilled according to the Bible. 

Also it says that beast waged war against the saints and the beast won. The weapon they use would be a lie and teaching authority. The lie is not a general lie but an untruth or deception that has been arbitrarily added to or subtracted from the words of the Bible. 

The result of those who worship the beast will be a lake of fire of burning sulfur (Rev 14:9~10). 

What is the beast comes up from the earth?

The beast from the earth giving the mark of 666. The reality of this beast is from the tabernacle of the seven golden lampstands and became one with the destroyers. It speaks like a dragon and exercises all the authority of the first beast. He makes people to follow the pastor of destruction as the true pastor. 

The image the beast set up the idols represent false pastors established by the destroyers (Revelation 2). 

What is the reality of 666

The number 666 of the beast is called the mark of the beast and it refers to the doctrine and teaching of the pastor of the beast. God's name is God's word (Jn 1:1). The name of the beast is the doctrine of the beast. The number 666, in the name of this beast speaks of satan's. 

The result of being marked by the beast is the fire lake of burning sulfur. And those who do not receive the mark from the beast will participate in the first resurrection.

[Revelation Chapter 13]
Replay on YouTube 


  1. This online Revelation seminar is a beacon of hope during these unsettling times. Shincheonji is explaining Revelation without cost through seminars broadcast in 138 countries/24 languages to millions of people. This is surely the hand of God helping us in these tough times❤️


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