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[Revelation Chapter 15] Shincheonji Online Bible Seminar

 Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant 

Shincheonji Church of Jesus Online Bible Seminar

[Revelation Chapter 15 : The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony the place all people must come to worship] 

1. Another great and marvelous sign in heaven

 1) Where is the sky? 
In Genesis 37:9-11, Jacob's family is compared to the sun, moon and stars. Jacob's tent can be like heaven. 
The sky from the verse 1, is the sky in Revelation chapter 13 and 12. 
*Reality : the tabernacle temple in Gwacheon, Korea 

 2) What is the other marvelous sign?
The wondrous events that occurred before: the opening of the seals in Revelation 6, the seven trumpets in Revelation 8 and 9. The opening seals in Revelation 6 signifies the plague of the chosen people. And the seven trumpets in Revelation 8 and 9 symbolize the plagues of the chosen people who were killed by the gentiles. 
However, the marvelous sign in Revelation 15 is different from the signs in Revelation 6,8 and 9. There must be someone who saw this. 

 3) What he saw? 
The seven plagues of the seven angels and the seven plagues are described as the plagues of seven bowls (Rev 15:6-8). They are filled with the wrath of God. The overcomes of Revelation 12 filled with the wrath of God. 

1. Who is the beast the image in the number(666) his name?
In Revelation 13, it was the organization of the beast that entered the tabernacle in Revelation 13. 

1) The beast came up from the sea: the seven pastors of the stewardship education center
2) Image : the 17 evangelists who were marked and ordained by beast-like false pastors 
3) 666: the beast from the earth 

2. Where is the sea of glass? 
1) the sea of glass: the word of God that washes our inner being (the revealed word) 
2) The fact that the overcomes gathered by the sea of glass means they have come before the throne of God 

3. What are God's harps and the song of Moses in the song of the lamb? 
 1) God's harps: the book of God (Rev 5:8-9)
 2) The song of Moses : the word from the old testament 
 3) The song of the lamb: the word of the new testament 
 4) The king of the ages: God and Jesus 
 5) The way of god and Jesus: the word of Jesus 

1. The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony where all nations will come to worship
1) After this: after the appearance of the overcomes in Revelation 12
2) The temple of the Tabernacle the Testimony: a tabernacle that testifies to what the overcomers of Revelation 12 saw and heard the scene of the event
A tabernacle that testifies to the events of the entire book 
*Reality : Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle the Testimony founded in March 14, 1984 

1. What are the seven golden bowls filled with the wrath? 
 1) the temple where the seven angels came out 
   ➯the Temple of the Tabernacle the Testimony 
 2) the four living creatures 
    four archangels the commanders of God's army 
 3) seven bowls full of the wrath of God 
   the one who overcomes in Revelation 12 
 4) smoke in the temple 
    the word of God's wrath which judges the betrayers and the destroyers 
 5) no one can enter the temple until the seven angels have finished the seven plagues 
   ➯ the members of the beast cannot enter the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony until the judgment of the plagues of the seven bowls is finished 

[Revelation Chapter 15] Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant 


  1. This online Revelation seminar is a beacon of hope during these unsettling times. Shincheonji is explaining Revelation without cost through seminars broadcast in 138 countries/24 languages to millions of people. This is surely the hand of God helping us in these tough times❤️


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