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[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] God's Will: The Creation of Heaven and Earth

 God's Will: The Creation of Heaven and Earth 

"Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt 6:10)." Have you seen the things of heaven? The one who has seen them can fulfill them just as the saw them. The kingdom of heaven is the Holy City, the new Jerusalem. These is one who has seen this city. God made a covenant with the people in every era. However, each time the people did not keep this covenant and became corrupt, God judged them and began a new work. 

During the 6,000 years of biblical history, there has been the world of Adam, the world of Noah, the world of Moses, the world of Jesus' first coming, and the world of Jesus' second coming. This was a new era coming to be every time one era did not keep the covenant made with God and became corrupt. However, each time, the old era that sinned did not listen to or believe in the words of the new era. 

At the time of the Lord's second coming when the new covenant is also fulfilled, God's chosen people sinned like Adam (Hos 6:7) just like at the time of the First Coming. As seen in Rv 16, 17, and 18, the events that occurred just like they did in the world of Adam have have been repeating. They are the fruit of good and evil- the wine of adulteries - and got drunk, and all the nations fell due to this wine of adulteries. Thus, all the fallen nations married the devil god of Babylon, the kingdom of demons (Rv  18:23). Are the pastors of the world really not aware of this great event? Jesus spoke about the secrets of the heavenly kingdom in parables and figurative language, and the false pastors who belong to the devil have not known the meaning of Revelation, the secret of the kingdom of heaven - up to this day!

Therefore, they did not know whether they belonged to God or belonged to the devil, nor did they know the meaning of Revelation of keep it. Even thought these are the facts, they think that only they speak the truth and only they will go to the kingdom of heaven. Furthermore, even though Jesus, who returned, fulfilled Revelation and sent the promised pastor to testify, they did not listen or believe. They have instead been saying, "He is the devil, a heresy," which is ridiculous. 

Is the image of the current pastors not just like that of the Jews at the time of Jesus' first coming in Jn 8? Even though there have been events just like that of Rv 6 and 7 today, they are deaf, blind, with hearts like the night, and they are like the dead. Even though they saw and heard, they did not understand. However, Jesus fulfilled the new covenant, Revelation, and made this known to the whole world. Even so, they have become those whose hearts are unaffected, unmoved, and those who have become unaware of their own faults so that even though they drink the wine of adulteries to get drunk, they think they are drinking the true wine, and they like the old wine. The new wine, that is, the true wine (the revealed word of the fulfillment of the New Testament Revelation) has been poured into a new wineskin (pastor). Have you still have not understood this? I am talking about those born of the devil's seed. 

The hidden manna in Rv 2 is the blood and flesh of Jesus in Lk 22:14-20 and Jn 6, that is, the true Passover meal. It says that those who add to or subtract from this new covenant, Revelation, cannot enter the kingdom of heaven (Rv 22:18-19). Despite this, the pastors feel nothing. They are like the dead. Those who kept the new covenant are those who have become God's kingdom and priests today, that is, the sealed Twelve Tribes who have been born of God's seed, harvested, and ate the blood and flesh of the Passover Lamb (Lk 22:14-20). Have you eaten this? 

They are the family members of the Twelve Tribes of Shincheonji who have been created according to the Bible just as God's will has been fulfilled in heaven and just as if it were stamped today. Therefore, the names of the people, places, the church, etc., of Shincheonji Church of Jesus have been created just like it is recorded in the new covenant, Revelation. This is Shincheonji, the new heaven new earth, that has been created according to the new covenant, Revelation. They are those who have been sealed, they are the new kingdom and new people, and they are the promised kingdom and promised people. They master Revelation as a result of having been born of God's seed and sealed. Verify this. It is true. 

When the Twelve Tribe leaders testified all the chapters of Revelation to the whole world, they testified one after another with the words that have been engraved and sealed on their hearts without even looking at the Bible. Why do not know this despite seeing it? In this way, Shincheonji has been sealed with Revelation and has mastered Revelation, and the members have become walking Bible. Verify this.


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  1. This is truly the correct understanding of the Bible and a message of hope that all people everywhere can know. Another 100,000 people will come to Shincheonji this year and learn the promise in Revelation♥️


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