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[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] God's Promise - the New Covenant - and the Reality at the Time of the Lord's Second Coming

Shincheonji Church of Jesus 

God's Promise - the New Covenant - and the Reality at the Time of the Lord's Second Coming The Lord coming and then leaving for the First Coming was to prepare and then come with the dwelling place for us, that is, the believers (Jn 14). Therefore, when he comes again, he comes with the dwelling place that he prepared. To whom and where does he come? 

Rv 2:17, 26-29, Rv 3:12, Rv 3:21-22, Mt 6:10, Mt 8:11-12, Mt 25:34, Rv 17, Rv14, Rv 21 the answer is in these verses here. 

The path that goes to the kingdom of heaven is small and narrow, and only a few will find it. The objective of believers is to leave the world of sin, enter the kingdom of heaven, and live eternally. Yet, the Lord asked if he would find one with faith when he returns (Lk 18:8). Regarding the current faith of each pastor in the world, there are many whose faith is worse than the saints. The problem is in whether they kept the new covenant (Lk 22:14-20). 

Not a single person of the pastors in the world that I have seen is qualified to enter the kingdom of heaven. Examine yourself before the kingdom of heaven. Examine yourself before Rv 22:18-19 in the Bible and verify if I have said anything wrong. Would you sill be orthodox? 

I prayed to God every day when I first began my life of faith, but I never belonged to any church or pastor, nor was I ever evangelized by anyone. I was nothing more than a mere farmer. After I received the guidance of a great star one day and promised to be loyal to God, I came to know God's will and word through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. That was only what I saw and heard from God and Jesus, and I testify this as instructed (Rv 22:8, 16). 

Which one bases it on the Bible, he would know well that both the pastors and congregation members cannot enter the kingdom of heaven with their current knowledge of the Bible and faith. Even so, they do not try to meet the promised pastor to know the path that goes to the kingdom of heaven. Are these words not facts? Verify this and give an answer. 

"Pastors of the world in the nation and abroad, tribe leaders and church head instructions of Shincheonji, when you look at your lives of faith, have you believed in and kept the new covenant Jesus promised with his blood? Depending on whether one has believed in and kept it or not, right before us are heaven and hell and eternal life and eternal punishment. Faith is not a joke.

When Jesus spoke about faith in Jn 14:@9, he said what he told us the promised things before they happen (prophecy) so that when they do happen, we will see and believe. Then, we would know that there is a time when the prophecies are fulfilled. Not believing despite seeing the things that have been fulfilled according to promise is the attitude of a complacent life of faith. 

One will know well about Jesus and his disciple' faith, actions, and mindset of martyrdom. The lives of faith of the pastors now are so weak and lacking. One must make up his mind. Those who do not believe and do not act despite seeing the fulfilled realities of the prophecies are false believers. 

Only by carrying out the responsibility of a pastor will the pastors in the nation and pastors overseas not receive judgement (Ref. Mt 15:14, 23:23). Let us become true believers. Therefore, we must first know the meaning of the promises recorded in the New Testament Revelation, and only by doing so will we be able to see, realize, and believe when they are fulfilled. Pastors, if you were to take an exam on the New Testament Revelation, how would you score? 

There are pastors at this time whom Jesus promised for this work: one is the messenger who prepares the way (Ref. Rv 1:20), and the other is the promised pastor who, when Jesus fulfills the prophecies, sees and hears this and testifies it as instructed (Rv 22:8, 16). Therefore, if one does not know the meaning of the promise of the New Testament Revelation well, then he must hear from the promised pastor who saw and heard at the actual location of the events to know, believe, and act. The time of showing off in pride has now come to an end. Amen."

Shincheonji Year 39, January 28th


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  1. This is truly the correct understanding of the Bible and a message of hope that all people everywhere can know. Another 100,000 people will come to Shincheonji this year and learn the promise in Revelation♥️


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