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[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] To the Pastors in the World


Shincheonji Church of Jesus 

To the Pastors in the World

Pastors, who are you waiting for? When Jesus returns, will you not persecute again like the pastors of Jerusalem at the time of the First Coming? In what form does Jesus come? Jest like in the Old Testament, are there not those who prepare the way ans the promised pastor in the New Testament as well? When the promised pastor of the New Testament comes, will you not persecute again like they did at the time of the First Coming, but will you believe and follow him? 

What is it that the pastors are trying to know in the New Testament Bible? When Jesus and the promised pastor come, what did they say they would do? When the actual entities of the prophecies promised in the New Testament (new covenant) appear, would you see and know them? Would you believe in them? Are you able to answer? 

Only when one realizes and masters all of the meanings of the promised prophecies will he be able to see and believe in the things that have been fulfilled according to the prophecies. Do you know all the actual entities of the prophecies of the four gospels and the prophecies of Revelation in the New Testament Bible that have been fulfilled today? Have you not added to or subtracted from the prophecies of the new covenant, Revelation, and their actual entities that Jesus promised? It says that if one adds to or subtracts from Revelation, he will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven but will receive curses (plagues) (Rv 22:18-19). Yet I know that all of you, pastors, have added and subtracted. 

There are many teachings in the world, and even in the same teaching, it is split and divided so that even if people have the same scriptures, they interpret them differently and the doctrines are a little different from each other. 

In the space of the universe, there are largely two kinds of gods. Through these two gods, the spirits and flesh that belong to them fight each other and are divided. One god is the true God who is the Creator of all creation in heaven and on earth. The other god is a fake god, the devil (Ref. Ez 28, Is 14), who was originally a created being; he believed in his own abilities, betrayed the true God, and called himself God. Hence, this is how the mysteries (secrets) of these two gods cam to be. 

Do you perhaps know what kind of mysteries (secrets) there are? God the Creator wanted to make known to people the mysteries (secrets) that had been hidden since the creation of the world but could not. The reason for this is that He could not make known the secrets of the kingdom of heaven because people did not belong to God and were sinners born of the genes of the first man, Adam (1Cor 15:45), who was deceived by the devil god and sinned. Until the promised time, He cannot let people know these mysteries (secrets),but when the time comes, He will make them known at that time (Jn 16:25). 

The reason for this is because both the pastors and the congregation members are sinners. These sinners say that they believe in God, but they are those who curse each other and who have split to create sects. Therefore, God hid the secrets of the kingdom of heaven by sealing them with seals and held onto them. The reason the pastors and the congregation members do not know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven is because of this. Also, the reason they do not know when God, Jesus, and the promised pastor came even though they saw them is because of this. However, because the devil god knows, he persecutes those whom God sent. The 6,000-year history attests to this. 

As seen in Rv2-3 and 19, there is a mysterious (secret) name. The mystery of the seven messengers of the seven lamps who prepare the way in Rv 1, the mystery of the prostitute in Rv 17, and the mystery of the seventh trumpet in Rv 10 were hidden;  the one who received and ate the opened book in Rv 10 was also hidden as a mystery (secret). Jesus made these mysteries (secrets) known to just one person. This person is the promised pastor who knows the secrets of the kingdom of heaven (Rv 22:8). 

The time when God's book, Revelation of the new covenant, is fulfilled is a time when one era comes to an end and a new era is created, just like at the time of Noah. Those who hear the sound of the last seventh trumpet and come from every nation, tribe, people, and language will receive salvation as the multitude in white. Why are you unable to believe even after seeing the Bible and the reality? Are you volunteering to go to hell? The appointed task of the pastors from the First Coming up to now is until the time of Revelation's fulfillment, and at the time of Revelation's fulfillment, the promised pastor rules in accordance with God's will. 

The time of Revelation's fulfillment is the end of the age (world), and those who belong to God are ultimately victorious in the war at the time of Revelation's fulfillment. Afterwards, the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world will become one with the new heaven and new earth on this earth - Shincheonji - and God will reign. 

God's objective is to fight and overcome the enemy - the devil - and to create the Twelve Tribes of the new heaven and new earth, that is, the new kingdom and new people, on this earth through those born God's seed, who are those harvested as the ripened fruit of the seed sown at the time of the First Coming and sealed with the revealed word of the new covenant. Additionally, it is also God's objective for the kingdom of heaven - the city of New Jerusalem in heaven - to come down to this place and become one with it. 

This time is the time when the appointed task of the pastors in the world who have ruled over the churches before this comes to an end and when the churches are offered to the true God. Therefore, all pastors will need to be humble, go down on their knees, repent to the true God, and make efforts to receive salvation by being born again as the multitude in white. At this time of the creation of the multitude in white, if one tries to become a proud and arrogant leader, he will die. One must know that he, at this time, is spiritually blind and deaf and that his faith is in spiritual night. He must also know the fact that he was ignorant of the word of the Bible and that he must be humble. 

The prophets and apostles who were martyred are watching, and all creation in heaven and on earth is watching. One must make efforts to humble himself and be born again to receive salvation. Judgment, like the time of Noah, will take place soon. One must believe in and keep this word of promise. 

The number of martyrs who were killed in this world by false pastors since the time of Adam's sin is not small. Up until now, pastors have been feeding their congregation members with the lies of commentaries, which are the wine of adulteries, and their spirits have died because of this. As seen in Rv 18, Babylon, the kingdom of demons, made all nations fall with the wine of adulteries, and they even made them marry the devil god (the spirit of the devil) (verse 23). Would they say that this sin is small? Would they also say that they did not do this? 

The murderer, Calvin, who claimed absolute predestination, founded the Presbyterian Church. This Presbyterian Church, like Calvin, practiced coercive conversion. Hence, four Shincheonji saints were killed due to coercive conversion and severe persecution. The Presbyterian Church that the murderer, Calvin, established is no the church of Jesus. The former head of the Christian Council of Korea said that if God does not listen to him, he will kill Him. It was as if water had mixed with wine. This is like the pastors of Jerusalem at the time of the First Coming (Ref. Mt 23). 

At the time of Revelation's fulfillment, God will bring all of the former things to an end and harvest those born of God's seed to establish a new thing, that is, a new kingdom and new people, and the kingdom of heaven and God will come and live together with this place (Rv 21:1-4). More than getting upset, right now is the time to repent, and is the time to make efforts to be born again. 

I believe that the pastors in the world have heard all of the lectures of the sealed Twelve Tribe leaders of Shincheonji from Revelation chapter 1 to 22. Was anything testified incorrectly in the content of those lectures? The tribe leaders gave lectures with that word that has been sealed on their hearts without holding a Bible of [using] memos. Pastors in the world, have you compared yourselves to them? Would you still call them a heresy? 

If one has realized, then he must repent and come out to the place where the throne of God is (Rv 14) to receive the word of life, that is, the water of life as clear as crystal (Rv 22:1-2, 17). One must wash ans wear his robe to become qualified to enter the holy city (Rv 22:14). It is a blessing to listen when being encouraged to do so. Those who have had their names written tn the book of life of the promised temple that the promised pastor is guiding to according to the new covenant, that is, the word of promise, will live. Those who act according to this are those who believe in and keep the new covenant. 


Shincheonji Chairman

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