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Matthew 24, "War and Peace at the End" Live Seminar in 7 Countries

 Matthew 24, "War and Peace at the End" Live Seminar in 7 Countries

Due to Russia's invasion on Ukraine, nuclear war and World War 3 have been mentioning, Shincheonji online seminar "War and Peace at the End", draw attention to many people. 

Chairman Lee Man Lee held a seminar to answer the concerns about whether the Matthew chapter 24 is related to the war between Russia and Ukraine. 

The seminar was held simultaneously on YouTube in 7 Asian countries on April 9 under the theme of 'War and Peace at the End'. More than 4,000 people attended the seminar, and 2,000 religious leaders including pastors applied for additional education. 

Chairman Lee revealed that Matthew 23 is about the First Coming of Jesus and chapter 24 is a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus and emphasized that the war between two kingdoms in chapter 24 is about faith, not the war between Russia and Ukraine.  

The war in Matthew 24 is between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil and he explained Babylon, the kingdom of the devil and the book of Revelation which records Babylon as a beast with seven heads and ten horns.

He said Matthew 24 is now being fulfilled and Shincheonji Church of Jesus is preaching it however, he felt sorry for the current state of persecution without believing it and urged to reach salvation by relying on the Word. 

Reference : "세계타임즈-신천지, 마태 24장 '마지막 때 전쟁과 평화' 7개국 실시간 세미나,

<War and Peace at the end Time>


  1. This lecture helped me understand that the war Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 is a spiritual war at the Second Coming between God and Satan, and not a literal war in the world. The earth is not going to be destroyed! I’m grateful to learn this🙏


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