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Graduates of Shincheonji Church Zion Christian Mission Center achieve world-class status

Zion Christian Mission Center grabs the headlines as it hosts a massive student graduation program 

We have heard of institutions spread across the globe from where the maximum number of students have graduated at a time, but more than 100,000 is a rarity. The Zion Christian Mission Center, which is a Bible education institution of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, recently held a graduation ceremony for the class of 113th of the Zion Christian Mission Center Class at the Daegu Stadium on November 20 where a total of 106,186 graduates were present and were awarded graduation degrees at the theological education institution. 

Owing to the huge numbers, actual participants who attended the ceremony in Korea were limited to 80,000, whereas 300,000 more participated via a live broadcast on YouTube. Stringent security measures were taken to ensure high levels of safety. Reportedly, more than 14,000 security personnel were stationed inside and outside the venue to prevent any untoward incident. Care was taken to see that students entered and exited the venue within four hours to prevent overcrowding. Four ambulances and a medical force of more than 180 were arranged for any emergency situation. 

The event was well organized and included an opening ceremony consisting of praise worship, congratulatory speeches, congratulatory messages, representative prayer, and a commemoration speech by Chairman Lee Man Hee. This was followed by the graduation ceremony which included performances, awarding of certificates, turning of the tassel, graduates' speeches, and special performances by participating students. There was a significant rise in the number of graduates this year as compared to last year as there were a total of 522 pastors which included 37 from Korea and 485 from other countries. 

This was perhaps one of the largest events hosted in Daegu attended by humongous numbers in recent times. The entire arrangements were organized within the region which included accommodation, meals and other necessities which benefitted the locals to a great extent. 

Resource : California Hour, <Zion Christian Mission Center grabs the headlines as it hosts a massive student graduation program>,


  1. A beautiful and hopeful post. 106,186 graduates have now mastered the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation in 2022 and is 2,422 people more than the 103,764 graduates of 2019. Surely it’s only by God’s power that this can be possible.


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