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[Shincheonji Church] Those Born of God's seed and Those Born of the Devil's Seed in the New Covenant

 [Shincheonji Church] Those Born of God's seed and Those Born of the Devil's Seed in the New Covenant 

Who am I according to the Bible? Between the two kinds of seed, God's seed and the devil's seed, of which have I been born? Have I not added to or subtracted from Revelation, the new covenant? Have I been harvested, sealed, and registered in the 12 tribes according to the New Covenant Revelation? Have I verified this? 

All of the new covenant Revelation is fulfilled and comes to an end today, in our time. In the last days when this if fulfilled, would money and authority be necessary? What is necessary is one being created according to Revelation. It is promised that it (Revelation) comes to and end by the first heaven and first earth passing away, a new heaven and new earth (Shincheonji) being created, and God the Creator, who left long ago, and the kingdom of heaven coming to this place. As seen in Lk 17, Jesus comes and judgment begins like at the time of Noah after the event of the first being rejected by this generation. 

Do you believe these words? At the time of judgment, those who have not been created according to the new covenant Revelation (those born of the devil's seed) will be judged. The sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. Those who made sects and caused trouble fall under the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. At the time of the fulfillment of the new covenant Revelation, God's holy spirits work, and the Bible says that at this time, those who belong to the devil obstruct the work of the Holy Spirit. Hence, if those who know the meaning of the Bible see this, they can understand who is doing it. 

God's organization was seen fighting the dragon's organization in RV 12. It is written that at this time, the child born of the woman clothed with the sun and his brothers fought and overcame the dragon's (the devil's) group with Jesus' blood and the word of testimony. And those born of God's seed are on God's side, and those born of the devil's seed are on the devil's side. The two organizations went to war, and God's side must overcome in this war for there to be salvation and for God's kingdom to stand on this earth. Hence, true believers must follow the meaning of the Bible, and they must fight and overcome the devil's group to be saved. Shincheonji has overcome with the word of truth and the word of testimony. Moreover, it masters the new covenant, Revelation. 


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