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Shincheonji Church held a conference titled " The Path Forward for Korean Churches"

 Shincheonji Church held a conference titled " The Path Forward for Korean Churches" 

Shincheonji Church held a conference titled "The Path Forward for Korean Churches" on July 19th, in which approximately 200 pastors and journalists participated.

Not only journalists but also many pastors attended and discussed the future of churches in Korea.

According to a church official, Shincheonji Church is providing education and instruction for those who want to learn about the revealed word. They are also offering educational programs to enable every church member to become a pastor. Through this process, Shincheonji Church aims to achieve the universalization of the Book of Revelation across all churches worldwide.

During the event, Chairman Man-Hee Lee introduced their new educational paradigm. 

He emphasized, "Religions should love and understand each other beyond denominations and sects," explaining the reason behind Shincheonji's MOUs with other churches.

After delivering his speech, he highlighted the importance for pastors to understand the message of Revelation for salvation.

Currently, Shincheonji Church of Jesus has signed MOUs with 8,765 churches from 80 countries.

Resource: 선데이뉴스신문-이만희 총회장, '한국교회가 나아갈 길'에 대해 “목회자·언론인과 대화”/

[The Path Forward for Korean Churches]

If you want to apply for a free bible study, please click the link below. 😊


  1. Wow so many pastors came out, the word is so powerful!

  2. It is wonderful how Shincheonji embraces other churches with opened arms and want nothing more than to make peace with each other


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